My All-Time Favourite Bath Products

I am LOVING Autumn. I consider myself a lover of all seasons (and weather). I get excited by these blustery days. The feeling of staying in all day or arriving home soaked from the school run to the warmth of my own home. I am fickle though and it’s the novelty of the transition in seasons that makes me excited. After a month or two, I’m willing on the next change.

All About The Bath

One thing I can never get enough of in the colder months though is a good, deep, hot, bath. There’s something about immersing in hot water either in the dark (anyone else do that?) or with low lighting and a good book that gives me all the cosy feels. I also happen to think that there is no time-luxury quite like a random afternoon bath. But that’s perhaps because I have two small children and any lingering solo moment during the day is considered a luxury.

A bath was close to the top of my list when we bought our house and it’s always a deciding factor in any hotel we stay in. A fancy bath will always trump a fancy bed. In fact, my treat to myself for my 30th birthday was a 4 hour long pamper session in a remote Balinese spa, complete with an outdoor flower petal bath. I look back on it and torture myself regularly. Needless to say, baths are important to me.

As are my choice of bath products. If I’m going to go to the hassle of cleaning the flippin’ thing (something I only ever seem to remember to do right before I run a bath), and if I’m going to wait on the water to fill and find the perfect temperature that will allow me a long soak but not boil my organs, then I want to use a fancy product. Radox just doesn’t cut the mustard for me anymore. Sorry Radox.

Bath Oils

If you haven’t bathed in Aromatherapy Associates, immediately get one of their oils on your Christmas wish list. My favourite one is the Inner Strength Bath and Shower Oil. It’s pretty much like bathing in the scent of a very sexy man. Which is, of course, my favourite way to bathe. The Deep Relax Bath and Shower Oil is also divine and a less heady, fresher option is the Open Space scent. Yes, they are spendy, but you do get about 20-ish baths from one bottle, which makes their cost per soak way lower than a Lush Bath Bomb. I like rubbing the oil directly onto my body then stepping into the bath for super soft skin and a scent that will linger in both your bathroom and your bedsheets.
I also have my sights set on purchasing Ren’s Moroccan Rose Otto Bath Oil after smelling it in Space NK. Rose scented products get me every time.

Bath Salts

Honestly, I struggle to buy into fancy bath salts as I just don’t feel like offer anything different and the scent tends to disappear with the bath water. Cost per use is usually rather high. I prefer to buy a super cheap bag of Epsom Salts and add in 5-6 drops of my favourite essential oils. I’m currently into a blend of Lavender, Rosemary & Patchouli. It’s woody and wintery and cheap as chips. If you’re looking for something luxe for yourself or as a beautiful gift for a friend, I do rate the Herbivore Bath Salts range, the scents are gorgeous and one bottle does about 4 baths.

Bath Soaks & Bubbles

Two words… Liquid Yoga. This bath soak by Mio will make your bathroom feel like a ‘spensive spa. It has a host of beneficial ingredients like arnica, vitamin A, antioxidants and magnesium. I like to use this when I feel anxious because, for me, a bath of this stuff guarantees to make my frayed nerves feel soothed and relaxed afterwards. Scent wise, it’s definitely unique, with a fresh but menthol like aroma that lingers in the room for ages after.
A great bubbly option (especially after a workout, combined with a cup of Epsom Salts) is Neal’s Yard Remedies Organic Seaweed and Arnica Foaming Bath. It has a very refreshing lemon-y, pine-y scent so tends to make me feel quite clean and uplifted.

So there you go, a peek into my all-time favourite bath products. I know this a very personal subject, but please let me have a peek into your bathroom cabinets and share your favourite budget and luxe soaking options? I’m always on the hunt for a nice bathtime treat. I’m also seriously considering buying myself a bath bridge… Do you use one? Are they worth it?

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