How Do You Get Good Hair?

Since the start of the year I feel I’m much more in control of my skincare but in the haircare stakes I’m far from having it sussed. However three discoveries via these pages have got me making steps in the right direction.

You know some people just have good hair? I’m not one of them. I haven’t the patience to style it and get in a right kerfuffle if I attempt to use my straighteners to do anything other than their intended purpose. How does one get a cute wave with their GHDs? It baffles me.

For years I’ve battled with tresses that needs washing every day. On that note, you have no idea how many times I’ve tried to abstain from a daily hair dousing. You don’t need to tell me that such frequent washing strips oils but seriously if you saw my scalp on day two you too would be running for the shower with shampoo in hand.


I had been intrigued by all these paraben and sulphate free shampoos and tried the Herbal Essences Naked range. Sadly for me their detox shampoo did not get on well with my hair. In fact far from detox, it was like I had immense build-up on my tresses – my hairdresser thought I’d taken up a weekly dip in the local swimming pool! Therefore when Charlotte suggested the Olsson Scandinavia Sensitive shampoo I was quick to make the change. As mentioned in Mrs O’s post here, this is a product with no colourants, preservatives or fragrance. It’s the bees knees for fresh, clean and bouncy hair and I’ve just stocked up on the 3 for 2 deal to keep me going over the next few months. This is the only shampoo I’ve ever found which sometimes allow me to go another day without washing.

Intensive Mask

Way back in the early days of RMS one of our readers recommended Bleach London Hair Reincarnation Mask. At just £6 this intensive conditioner is a snip and as I only use three or four times a month a tube lasts me ages. My colour is definitely resurrected after applying the cream for ten minutes and my hair is softer and more nourished.

Dry Shampoo

Finally I’m a convert to the Colab range after so many recommendations on this texturising post. I have an annoying section of my fringe which insists in parting. I’ve found a few spritzes of the invisible one is just the ticket for keeping my unruly fringe together and adding some volume and texture to boot.

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