Wavy Hair Saviours

My hair is a right royal pain in the arse. It’s neither sleek and straight nor fabulous and curly. It’s in-betweeny, sometimes frizzy, nondescript waves. I wear it up 90% of the time and if I want to make an effort I get the ghds out to tame those waves. But I’ve recently come across a few wavy hair saviours which I thought you needed to hear about if you too have thick and wavy hair.

Wavy Hair Saviour #1 {The Salt Spray}

I did a LOT of late-night research into surf sprays before deciding to give Bumble and Bumble a whirl. I was reluctant to spend £23 on a big bottle in case it didn’t do anything for my hair, so I was pleased as punch when I spotted a smaller bottle for a tenner. A quick spritz and scrunch after I’ve washed my hair and I can just about get away with not having to straighten it/put it immediately up into a mum bun.

Wavy Hair Saviour #2 {The Conditioner}

I love all the Aussie hair products. My little sister popped a bottle of 3 Minute Miracle Reconstructor conditioner into my Christmas stocking last year and it’s been my go-to conditioner ever since. You’re meant to leave it in for up to three minutes but because there’s usually a little person asking me to get out the shower and get her breakfast/a little person trying to put his sock in the toilet, I only ever manage to leave it in for 30 seconds. It still works wonders, so maybe if I ever get to leave it in for three minutes I will instantly have the bouncy locks of Kate Middleton.

Wavy Hair Saviour #3 {The Brush}

I didn’t truly believe that the brush I used would make a difference to the appearance of my hair … until I tried the ghd paddle brush. I don’t know how but it definitely makes my hair sleeker and smoother. I recently left it on holiday and had to panic-buy a new one. It’s that good.

Wavy Hair Saviour #4 {The Fringe Brush}

Yes, I cant believe I’m saying this either, but I use a separate brush for my fringe. At my last haircut I was moaning to my hairdresser about the fact that some days my fringe just looks a bit shit. He asked me which brush I was using (see above), and explained that I needed to use a vented radial brush whilst blasting with a hairdryer to give it some shape. He was right. All hail the hairdressers.

Wavy Hair Saviour #5 {The Shampoo}

I know you’re meant to change your shampoo every so often, so after YEARS of using Simple’s Gentle Care shampoo I tried out Wella Shine Define. My auntie, who was also blessed/cursed (delete as appropriate) with thick and wavy hair, swears by the stuff. It does exactly what it says on the tin and makes dull hair shine. It’s pricier than Simple but well worth that couple extra quid.

Do you have thick and wavy and unmanageable hair? What are your hair hero products/styling tips?

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