The Nearly-Nakd Bar

Does anyone else crave something sweet immediately after a meal? I have to admit that I suffer from this even straight after breakfast. Well these Nearly Nakd bars (so called because they’re a DIY version of the blinking delicious, chocolatey-but-still-healthy, Nakd bars) are brilliant for satisfying that sweet tooth, minus the guilt. So they’re even acceptable at 9am.

These bars are fab for three reasons.

Firstly, they’re DEAD easy. As you will see from the instructions below.

Secondly, they are YUM. The cocoa in them really makes them taste like a chocolate treat. I snack on them when I’m working from home, Jenson demolishes them, and they even pass the taste test with Lyra, who’s getting fussier with food by the day. They’re also brill if you have a food allergy (apart from nuts – obvs): our friends’ little boy has a dairy intolerance and I have previously felt so awful when he’s at our house and I have no dairy-free treats to give him when the others are digging in to biscuits/cake. Not any more!

Thirdly, it’s possible that you already have all the ingredients in your cupboards. Ok, so possibly not the dates. But I’m not going to ask you to use mejdool dates, a la Deliciously Ella. Any old dates will do. (Fact for you: dates can shorten labour. So there’s reason number four if you’re pregnant).

How to Make Nearly Nakd Bars

1. Whizz together the following ingredients in a food processor.

2 cups dates
1 cup cashew nuts
2 tbsp cocoa powder
1.5 tsp vanilla extract (Make sure you don’t go overboard on the vanilla as it’s such an overpowering taste. I had to chuck a batch once when I accidentally poured in too much).

2. Squidge the mixture down into the bottom of a Tupperware box/boxes. It needs to be around 1.5cm thick. Pop the lid on.

3. Put in the fridge for 20-30 mins.

4. To remove from the Tupperware, run a knife around the inside edge then turn the box upside-down onto a chopping board. Cut into bar shapes and ENJOY!


  • When I’ve been desperate for something sweet but haven’t had any cashews in the cupboards I’ve used almonds/mixed nuts/peanuts. The latter make them taste more Snickers than Nakd.
  • For a slightly less sweet option, try raisins, and next on my to-try list is swapping the dates with cranberries for a tangy-er taste.
  • Instead of chopping the mixture into bars I sometimes shape it into little balls straight out of the food processor. Rolled up they could almost pass for truffles. Almost.

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